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Together, we can help families raise saints.

Social Media Images

Beautiful 1x1 images perfect for sharing on any social media platform.
The Saints - Show Image
St. Patrick - Show Image
Joan of Arc - Show Image

Printable Flier

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Social Media Captions

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Check out the new show from The Merry Beggars! The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage tells the story of Joan of Arc, Patrick, and many more. They are incredible stories. Go to to subscribe!

Searching for faith-affirming entertainment? Well, have you heard of The Merry Beggars’ new show The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage? They’re telling the story of a new saint every week! Check it out at

Check out the new show from The Merry Beggars! The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage tells the story of Joan of Arc, Patrick, and many more. They are incredible stories. Go to to subscribe!

Email Template

Copy and paste the below template to easily share The Saints with a friend!

I hope you're doing well! I wanted to share something that I think you'll absolutely love. I've found a Christian audio show called "The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage.”

It’s a daily podcast that brings to life the heroic stories of saints from history through captivating storytelling. It looks like a fantastic way to grow in faith and virtue while enjoying immersive storytelling.

I think you’ll really enjoy it.

Check it out:

I subscribed, so I don’t miss an episode!

Feel free to share this email with your friends and family who are looking for inspiring content that brings faith to life. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!
